A baby died before being circumcised


A: A person who dies before being circumcised is not to be circumcised, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, and this is the opinion maintained by the Jumhur (dominant majority of scholars). In his Al-Majmu`, Al-Nawawy said: “According to the correct opinion, he (the deceased) should absolutely not be circumcised, because it (foreskin of penis) is a part that was not cut. Similarly, the ruling applies to the hand that should be cut on account of theft or Qisas (just retaliation); the scholars unanimously agree that if the person whose hand is to be cut dies before the Hadd (ordained punishment for violating Allah's Law) of theft is executed, the hand should not be cut. On the contrary, the hair and nails of the living person are cut for adornment and so should those of the deceased be. As for circumcision, it is carried out on account of an obligation that is waived by death. And Allah knows best.”Accordingly, your circumcision of your son after his death was not ideal; nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with this and there is no sin on you for doing it, because you are excused due to your ignorance of the ruling in this regard.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his Companions.
