A Bedouin's talk with the Prophet


Q: Your Eminence, what is your opinion concerning the following statement: "If He judges me, I will judge Him." This statement was mentioned in the following Hadith: "While the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) was circumambulating the Ka`bah, he heard a Bedouin saying, 'O Most Bountiful.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) repeated after him, 'O Most Bountiful.' The Bedouin headed in the direction of Al-Mizab and said, 'O Most Bountiful.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) repeated after him, 'O Most Bountiful.' The Bedouin turned to him and said, 'O you of bright face and agile body, do you mock at me? By Allah, if it had not been for your bright face and agile body, I would have reported you to my beloved (Prophet) Muhammad.' The Messenger (peace be upon him) smiled and said, 'Do you not know your Prophet, O my fellow Bedouin?' The Bedouin man said, 'No.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'How did you believe in him?' The Bedouin man said, 'I believed in his prophethood without (even) seeing him and believed in his message without meeting him.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'O (Part No. 3; Page No. 278) Bedouin, know that I am your Prophet in this world and your intercessor in the hereafter.' The Bedouin knelt down to kiss the hand of the Prophet (peace be upon him), but the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'Stand up, O fellow Arab. Do not do as Persians do with their kings, for Allah did not send me as an arrogant despot.' He sent me with the truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner.' Gabriel descended and said to me, 'Al-Salam (the Peace i.e. one of Allah's Names) sends you greetings and says to you: Inform the Bedouin that he should not be deceived with Our Tolerance or Bounty, because we will judge him for the small and the great, and the wick and the husk of a date.' The Bedouin said, 'Will Allah judge me, O Messenger of Allah?' He (peace be upon him) said, 'Yes, if He wills.' The Bedouin said, 'By His Glory and Magnificence, if He judges me, I will judge Him.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, 'On what, O fellow Arab?' He said, 'If Allah asks me about a misdeed, I will ask Him about His Forgiveness. If He asks me about a sin, I will ask Him about His Pardon. And if He asks me about my miserliness, I will ask Him about His Generosity.' The Prophet (peace be upon him) cried until his beard was wet (with tears). Then Gabriel descended and said to the Prophet (peace be upon him), 'O Muhammad, Al-Salam sends you greetings and says to you: Lessen your tears a little for they distracted the Bearers of the Thrown (i.e. The angels who carry the Thrown of Allah) from glorifying Allah. Inform your fellow Arab: We (Allah) will not judge him and he will not judge Us, and he will be your companion in Paradise."

A: The Hadith mentioned above is not true.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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