A fasting person swearing a lot


Q 4: Does swearing excessively nullify one's Sawm (Fast)?

A 4: Swearing a lot indicates weakness of Iman (Faith/belief). It is a form of reverence to Allah for every Mu'min (believer) not to constantly swear by Allah. Allah (Exalted be He) states: And make not Allâh’s (Name) an excuse in your oaths against your doing good and acting piously Allah (Exalted be He) also says: And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much). Whoever swears by Allah must be truthful. As for Sawm, it is not invalidated by constant swearing; (Part No. 23; Page No. 139) rather it may decrease the reward of the Fast.May Allah grant us success. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
