A husband authorizing a person to divorce his wife and then changing his mind


Q: I wrote a Talaq (divorce pronounced by a husband) authorization then I changed my mind and tore it before sending it to my attorney. However, some of our acquaintances who were present when I wrote the authorization told my father-in-law of what had happened. (Part No. 20; Page No. 201) The latter then took my wife and the children from me on the plea that I have divorced his daughter. Is this really considered Talaq?

A: If reality is exactly as what you have mentioned that you wrote a Talaq authorization then you changed your mind and tore it before sending it to your attorney, no Talaq will be counted by doing so. Moreover, if you send the authorization to the attorney then you change your mind before any Talaq takes place by him; no Talaq will be counted by this either. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
