A man


Q 1: My father received some money to perform Hajj on behalf of another person’s father, who wants to do him kindness. Upon his return from Hajj, after completing all the rites, he was told that the Hajj he had performed would not count nor was it valid for the person it was intended for, because the person who asked him to go had not performed his own obligatory Hajj, despite being able to do so. Does my father have to pay the expenses back to that person after returning from Hajj? If he does give the money back, will the Hajj he performed be considered as being for himself as he was the one who performed it, although he intended it for someone else, i.e. The father of the man who asked him to go?

A: The Hajj performed is valid and your father does not have to return the expenses. Saying that the Hajj performed is incorrect is a baseless view. This is only true when someone performs Hajj on behalf of another person before performing it for themselves.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
