A man swearing that his friend will not buy something from the grocery and not completing the phrase, and the friend not buying


Q: I was married to a woman but I did not consummate the marriage with her. My friend and I passed by a grocery and stopped by to buy something we needed. My friend wanted to get out of the car to buy the things himself. I said to him: "I swear I will divorce my wife" and did not complete the phrase because I remembered that I had contracted my marriage. I did not complete the phrase and my friend did not get out of the car. I got out and bought the things we needed and we went on our way. What is the ruling on what I did? Could you kindly advise? May Allah reward you.

A: If the matter is as mentioned, divorce will not be effective regarding your wife because you did not complete your phrase of divorce. You did not pronounce the phrase in full form and your friend did not get out. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
