A menstruating woman who becomes


Q 6: Is it permissible for a fasting person to wear perfume or use Siwak (tooth-cleansing stick) during the daytime? Likewise, is it permissible for women to henna their hair or apply oil?

A: It is permissible for a fasting person to apply perfume to the body, head cover, or clothes. However, one should not sniff it through the nose. Siwak may also be used during the daytime in Ramadan. In this regard, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Had it not been for fear of overburdening my Ummah, I would have ordered them to use Siwak at every Salah. (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). The Hadith broadly applies to Zhuhr (Noon) and `Asr (Afternoon) Prayers whether one is fasting or otherwise. We do not know of any authentic evidence that prohibits using Siwak while fasting. It is also permissible for women to apply henna, oil, or any other substance that may help them groom their hair, as this does not affect the validity of Sawm. The same applies to men who, while fasting, may put any cream on their skin, whether for medical purposes or otherwise.

