A Muhrim woman had a few drops of blood discharged during Tawaf


Q: Last year I went to perform Hajj and I used pills to prevent the monthly period to be able to perform all the rituals of Hajj. We spent the first days in Mina. Then, we went to `Arafah and Al-Muzdalifah, but nothing happened, all praise be to Allah. When we went to perform Tawaf-ul-Ifadah (final obligatory circumambulation of the Ka`bah in Hajj), I felt the cramps of the monthly period during Tawaf; and when I finished Tawaf and Sa`y (going between Safa and Marwa during Hajj and `Umrah), I felt some wetness. I went to the toilet and saw a blood spot. Is my Hajj considered complete and valid, taking into consideration that this day was the date of the beginning of my monthly period, but I used pills to prevent it as I told you before? I hope, respected Shaykh, that you will give me the legal opinion, and whether I am obliged to do anything or not. (Part No. 10; Page No. 254) May Allah reward you with the best.

A: If you completed Tawaf without any blood coming out, then your Tawaf and Sa`y are valid. But, if any blood came out during Tawaf, you should repeat it by coming back to Makkah. Then, you should circumambulate intending Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, afterwards, perform Sa`y. If you had conjugal relations during this period, you should, as we mentioned before, sacrifice a sheep meeting the same conditions for Ud-hiyah (sacrificial animal offered by non-pilgrims) in Makkah and distribute it among the poor in Al-Haram (all areas within the Sacred Sanctuary of Makkah). If you can not do that, you should perform Sawm (Fast) for ten days.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
