A person burnt wood that was carried


Q 2: If a Muslim man wants to perform Tawbah (repentance to Allah) from stealing, looking at women lustfully and backbiting others, should he be punished? He is afraid that anyone might know this. He wishes that Allah will not expose him, because he is married and he has children. Should he ask the people whom he had stolen from to forgive him?

A: He should thank Allah for the grace of Tawbah. If he knows the sum of money and its owner, he should return it in any way, whether the owner knows or not. If he does not know the owner or can not find them, he should give the money as a Sadaqah (voluntary charity) with the intention of giving the reward to its owner. When he finds the owner, he should give them the choice: either to accept what had happened and be rewarded for the Sadaqah, or taking their right, and in this case the person who gave the Sadaqah will be rewarded. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
