A shop that sells song cassette tapes


Q: Is it permissible for me to work as a bookkeeper for a professional photographer? He takes photos of beings with souls and also inanimate objects. My work would be to prepare the accounts and invoices for all the photos; answer phone calls and meet customers; and deliver photos to customers, among which would be photos of living beings, including photos of unveiled women and photos of wedding parties. May Allah reward you with the best.

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, it is not permissible for you to work as a bookkeeper for this person, because doing so would be helping in commission of Haram (prohibited) things. (Part No. 14; Page No. 455) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Translation of the Meanings of The Noble Quran in the English Language