A woman cursing children


Q 3: One of my relatives curses and calls her children names when she loses her temper. What is the Kaffarah (expiation) of such a deed?

A: It is not permissible for a believer to curse any of the creations of Allah, except those cursed by Allah in His Book or by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). Moreover, it is not permissible to curse a specific living person, even if they are Kafir (non-Muslim), according to the most authentic opinion of scholars, since no one knows the end Allah has decreed for them. Anyone who curses something not to be cursed does not have to make any Kaffarah, but they should perform sincere Tawbah (repentance to Allah) and resolve not to do it again. They should remember Allah a lot, seek His Forgiveness and supplicate to Him. In addition, they should accustom themselves to say only what is good, do what is good and refrain from cursing and reviling others. This is our advice to this woman who is given to cursing. A true believer is not one given to cursing, slandering, obscenity or abusiveness. It is related on the authority of `Abdullah ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, A (true) believer is not one given to cursing, slandering, obscenity or abusiveness. (Related by Imam Ahmad in his "Musnad" and Al-Tirmidhy in his "Al-Jami`" (Part No. 25; Page No. 375) who said it was Hadith Hasan Gharib; a good Hadith that is strange to come from this chain of narration.) It is also confirmed that the Prophet (peace be upon him) prohibited cursing and warned people against it, explaining that anyone who curses will neither be an intercessor nor a witness on the Day of Resurrection. This is also supported by what is related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim in their "Sahih" books of authentic Hadith on the authority of Thabit ibn Al-Dahhak Al-Ansary (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, Anyone who lies and takes an oath on a religion other than Islam will be as they have professed. And anyone who kills themselves with anything will be punished on the Day of Resurrection with it. None should make a vow about something that they do not possess and cursing a believer is (as grave) as killing them. Moreover, it is related on the authority of Samurah ibn Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, Do not invoke Allah's curse, Allah's anger, or Hellfire against one another. (Related by Imam Ahmad in his "Musnad", Abu Dawud and Al-Tirmidhy who said it is Hadith Hasan (good) Sahih (authentic)). Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, No (Part No. 25; Page No. 376) companion should be one given to cursing. (Related by Muslim in his "Sahih".) It is also related on the authority of Abu Al-Darda' (may Allah be pleased with him) who narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, Those who curse cannot be intercessors nor witnesses on the Day of Resurrection. (Related by Muslim in his "Sahih" and Abu Dawud in his "Sunan" book of Hadith.) Ibn Mas`ud (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, Reviling a Muslim is an inequity and fighting against them is (tantamount to) disbelief. (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)In the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) we have the best example and he was not one given to cursing, slandering and obscenity. It is related on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) that he said, The Prophet (peace be upon him) was not a person who used to insult, use obscene language, or curse others. When admonishing one of us, he would say, ‘What is wrong with him? May his forehead be smeared with dust!'" (Related by Al-Bukhari in his "Sahih", vol. 7, p. 81)May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Mohamed Mahmoud Tablawi