A woman does not become purified from menstruation until finding the white discharge


Q 2: My wife performed after-menstruation Ghusl (full ritual bath) on the first day of Ramadan, but she observed fast before doing this Ghusl. Is her fast on that day valid? Sometimes, after she performs after-menstruation Ghusl, some drops of blood are still seen. In this case, should she repeat the after-menstruation Ghusl?

A: A woman should perform after-menstruation Ghusl when her menstrual blood has completely stopped; that is, she sees the sign of Tuhr (purity from menstruation or postpartum blood, i.e. seeing the white discharge or seeing no blood traces). As long as some menstrual blood is still seen, even if it is little, a woman is still considered menstruating, except when the menstrual period exceeds the maximum time, i.e. Fifteen days. This is according to the saying of Um Al-Mu’minin (Mother of the Believers), `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) to women: "Do not hasten (in performing Ghusl) until you see the white discharge (meaning purification from menstruation)''. (Recorded by Al-Bukhari) If the menstrual blood stops and a woman fasts before performing after-menstruation Ghusl, her fast is valid. That is because Taharah (ritual purification) is not a condition for the validity of Sawm. Besides, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would be Junub (person in a state of major ritual impurity) and would fast before he performs Ghusl.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
