A woman fell ill and her father gave Sadaqah for the days she did not fast. During her making up for the missed days of fast, another woman had Suhur


Q 1: It was the ninth month, which coincided with the month of Ramadan and I was ill and could not fast. So, I only fasted twelve days from the entire month. My father gave out Sadaqah (voluntary charity) for the days I did not fast. My question is: Was it permissible for my father to give out Sadaqah for the days I did not fast or must I make up for these days?

A: You must make up for the days of Ramadan on which you did not fast due to your illness. The Sadaqah your father gave out does not suffice for making up for these days. Q 2: I am a woman. I intended to make up for the missed days of fasting in Ramadan. When I started to make up for the missed days, I did not wake up until after Fajr (Dawn) Prayer. I ate my Suhur (pre-dawn meal before the Fast) then stopped eating. I did not notice this until I had abstained from eating and made the intention to fast. Please bear in mind that I had intended to make up for the days of Ramadan before I went to sleep. May Allah reward you with the best. A: If you ate your Suhur after dawn and did not notice until after you had stopped eating, then you must make up for this day.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
