A woman promised her husband that


Q 1: I was a guest at one of my relatives'. I made an oath that he will not slaughter an animal for me, but he made another oath; he did slaughter an animal; and I ate from it. More than six months later, I made another oath. I know that the Kaffarah (expiation) is feeding ten needy people from the average food you provide for your own families, clothing them or emancipating a slave. If a person cannot do either of these, they should observe Sawm (fasting) for three days.First, how much food or clothing should be given to every needy person? Given that it is hard to know that this person is really needy. Can I pay it to ten Bedouins?Second, do I have to pay two Kaffarahs or only one?

A: You should give every needy person half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of wheat, barley, dates, cheese, raisins or any other kind of food that is common in your country. You should also seek the ones who deserve it the most, and pay it to them and their children. As for clothing, you should give each person an Izar (garment worn below the waist), a Rida' (outer garment) and a Qamis (long shirt). (Part No. 23; Page No. 27) You also have to pay Kaffarah for the first and the second oaths individually if you breached them. Allah has clarified the Kaffarah for the oath in His saying, Allâh will not punish you for what is unintentional in your oaths, but He will punish you for your deliberate oaths; for its expiation feed ten Masâkîn (poor persons), on a scale of the average of that with which you feed your own families, or clothe them or manumit a slave. But whosoever cannot afford (that), then he should fast for three days. That is the expiation for the oaths when you have sworn. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
