Adding money to gold for the payment of Zakah when the gold does not reach the Nisab


Q 1: What is the legal evidence in support of the ruling that money should be added to the gold for the payment of Zakah (obligatory charity) when the gold does not reach the Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) separately and the same goes for money, i.e., gold should be added to money when money does not independently reach the Nisab?

A: All forms of money including silver, banknotes, value of commercial commodities should be added to the gold in order to complete the Nisab, because the total of the gold and money completes the Nisab and makes the payment of Zakah obligatory. That is because the obligatory Zakah on the commercial commodity is paid on the value, which is calculated in terms of gold or silver.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


He is Allah Al-Wahid (The One and Only, from Which All Else Arise), Al-Ahad (the Unique, the Indivisible One)