

Q 1: What is the ruling on slaughtering a sheep that was taken by Al-Ghasb (usurpation)?

A: Firstly: Al-Ghasb is Haram (prohibited) for Allah (Exalted be He) says: And eat up not one another’s property unjustly (in any illegal way e.g. stealing, robbing, deceiving, etc.) and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Verily your blood, your property and your honors are sacred and inviolable. (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim). Secondly: In case the concerned sheep was slaughtered in a Shar`y (Islamic legal) way, the meat thereof may be eaten but the usurper should give its value to its owner. Besides, the usurper should make Tawbah (repentance to Allah, Glorified and Exalted be He) and resort to Istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah). On the other hand, the usurper should not avail from the meat of this sheep. Rather they should give it as charity to the poor people, prisoners, and the needy. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
