Anal intercourse


A: It is Haram (prohibited) for a man to have anal intercourse with his wife. If a man does this unintentionally, he is excused if he stops as soon as he becomes aware of this ruling. The evidence on prohibiting anal intercourse is derived from the following: Ahmad, Al-Bukhari, and Muslim related on the authority of Jabir ibn `Abdullah that the Jews used to claim that if a person has vaginal intercourse with his wife but from the back, she will deliver a squint-eyed child. The following Ayah (Qur'anic verse) was, then, revealed: Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will In another narration by Muslim, he said: "If he likes he may (have intercourse with her) while she is (lying) prone or not (lying) prone, but it should be through one opening (vagina)." Allah (Exalted be He) has, thus, refuted the claim of the Jews that having vaginal intercourse with one's wife while she is lying prone delivers squint-eyed children. It has become clear from the Ayah that it is permissible for a man to have intercourse with his wife in any way (Part No. 19; Page No. 283) he likes, whether she is lying on her back or on the front, as long as it is in her vagina. The Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) understood it this way, and they were Arabs. Describing women as "tilth" indicates pregnancy, and no pregnancy can occur through anal intercourse. Regarding the occasion of the revelation of the Ayah, it was to refute the stated claim of the Jews since pregnancy cannot happen through anal intercourse and, thus, no children will be born, whether squint-eyed or not. Also, Ahmad and Al-Tirmidhy related on the authority of Um Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about the following Ayah: Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth, when or how you will that it referred to one opening (the vagina). He commented that this Hadith was Hasan (a Hadith whose chain of narration contains a narrator with weak exactitude, but is free from eccentricity or blemish). Many Hadith were narrated concerning the prohibition of anal intercourse, including the following Hadith which was related by Ahmad and Abu Dawud on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "A man who has anal intercourse with his wife is cursed." In another narration, he (peace be upon him) said: "Allah will not look at a man who has anal intercourse with his wife." (Related by Ahmad and Ibn Majah) (Part No. 19; Page No. 284) It was also related by Ahmad on the authority of `Aly ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Do not have anal intercourse with your wives, or he said, 'in the anus'." It was also related by Ahmad and Al-Tirmidhy on the authority of `Aly ibn Talq that he said, "I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying: "Do not have anal intercourse with your wives, verily, Allah is not shy (to tell) the truth." Al-Tirmidhy ranked the Hadith as Hasan. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


An example and an ideal