Believing that knot-tying cures diseases


Q 2: A sister of mine performed Hajj with my father along with some people from our country. On the Day of `Arafah, an Iranian woman brought a silk thread and asked my sister and the women with her saying: Could any one of you who is performing Hajj for the first time tie a knot with that silk thread? The eldest woman among them, who had performed Hajj before, told them to tie the knot for her and they did. My question is: Is the Hajj of the person who tied the knot valid? The Iranian woman told them that one of her relatives is a sick man who gets cured through this tying of knots. My sister and the women with her felt shy to tell my father as he may have stopped her.

A: This is an impermissible deed. If the woman who did so had no knowledge, she would be excused due to her ignorance. But if she knew that it was impermissible for her to do so, she would be a sinner and must repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness and never do anything like this again. As for her Hajj, it is valid, if Allah wills.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
