Both sane males and females reach


Q: A 12 or 13 year-old girl did not fast during Ramadan, should she or her family expiate for this? (Part No. 10; Page No. 147) Should she make up for the missed days? Furthermore, if she makes up for the missed days, will she be required to do anything else?

A: A woman attains the legal capacity under certain conditions: Islam, sound mind, and the due age of puberty. Signs of puberty include the beginning of menstruation, discharging Maniy (spermatic fluid) with desire, and having sexual dreams after which she sees Maniy, the appearance of coarse hair around the front private parts, or reaching the age of fifteen. If the said girl has the signs mentioned above, then she has to fast and make up for the missed days. However, if she lacks any of these conditions, she is not legally required to fast and there is no blame on her.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
