Calling an employee to account


Q: There is an authority which hires a number of Du`ah (callers to Islam) in the field of Da`wah (call to Allah). This authority requests from them (the Du`ah) a monthly report on their Da`wah related activities such as lessons, seminars and lectures to be submitted to the endowment owner. However, some Du`ah are annoyed by this report as they see that it badly affects their sincerity towards Allah, and is near hypocrisy.The question now is: Is this report permissible? I mean requesting for reports on the Da`wah-related activities, does this really badly affect sincerity towards Allah or not?

A: The request of the authority responsible from the Da`wah related activities to submit monthly reports to the endowment owner does not negatively affect sincerity towards Allah, and is not a form of hypocrisy as long as the Da`y intends by this to clear himself and inform the endowment owners of what he really does. This assures the endowment administrator that the funds spent on the Du`ah are paid appropriately.This could even be a requirement for work, if it encourages greater productivity, appreciation for the achievers, and a motivation for competition and hard work. (Part No. 23; Page No. 410) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
