Canned barley water


Q: What is the ruling on canned barley water which is sold here and there? We only drink it because it has the "alcohol-free" sign on it. We have full confidence that the people in charge in this country do not allow anyone to sell drinks which contain alcohol. We heard that some people analyzed the barley water on which is written "alcohol-free barley water" and found that the percentage of alcohol is between 2 % and 9 %. We trust your opinion in this regard because we know that you adopt the soundest view according to the well-established knowledge of religion. May Allah guide you to what pleases Him! (Part No. 22; Page No. 149

A: If drinks which contain a percentage of alcohol cause intoxication when they are drunk in great amounts, their little as well as great amounts will be forbidden. It is forbidden to sell and buy this drink and it must be spilled because it is wine. If drinking a lot does not cause intoxication, it will be permissible to sell, purchase and drink it. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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