Changing the name of a foundling


(Part No. 11; Page No. 251)  Fatwa no. 14511 All praise is due to Allah Alone. May peace and blessings be upon the Last Prophet.The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' has reviewed the letter sent to the Grand Mufty from the judge of Harub Court no. 683, dated 22/11/1411 A.H., which was referred to the Committee by the Secretariat General of the Council of Senior Scholars no. 4948, dated 28/11/1411 A.H. His Eminence, the judge, asked the following question:A woman submitted a request to conclude a marriage contract with her fiancé. We concluded the marriage contract for her under our guardianship in document no. 81, dated 11/10/1410 A.H, because she was an illegitimate child. A document to this effect was issued, no. 81, dated 11/10/1410 A.H. To Sabiya' Personal Affairs Administration, asking to include the woman on his identity card as her husband. We completed the procedures for him and he enclosed along with the papers a letter from the Chairman of Social Affairs in the Southern Province, no. 290, dated 29/2/1411 A.H., reading: "In the case of this woman, she can be given the name (...) in order to add her name to the husband's ID card." Finally, all the documents were submitted to us, no. 13466, dated 9/11/1411 A.H.; in addition to the letter including the request of Sabiya' Personal Affairs Administration to change the name of the woman so that her name becomes (Part No. 11; Page No. 252) (...). We hope you will explain whether it is permissible to change her name according to the document of the Personal Affairs Administration from (...) to (...). Please, give us Fatwa (legal opinion issued by qualified Muslim scholar) on this matter. May Allah reward you with the best and guide your footsteps.

After examining the Fatwa request, the Committee replied that if the reality is as mentioned, it is not necessary to change the content of the ID card as long as it attributes this woman to her mother.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
