Confiscating money gained through gambling and putting it in Bayt-ul-Mal


Q: In order to prevent the misuse of the humanitarian role undertaken by the Postal Authority to the families in the fields of personal and official correspondence, and based on the principles of protection of our honorable religion, the administration of this region - in accordance with postal regulations and mandates - has seized some correspondences coming from schools in India and England after discovering that they are issued from (Part No. 23; Page No. 493) organizations promoting Riba (usury) and gambling under the name of Great Luck. However, these organizations have been able to capture some bad-hearted people, leading them to conduct such transactions forgetting (or pretending to forget) that such transactions are legally prohibited within this Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that adheres to the Noble Qur'an and the purified Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet). We have also found some checks that number (61) checks, each of which carries the earnings gained from what is so called Great Luck. Along with every check, there is a letter from the organization in charge of gambling congratulating the winners and asking them to help with some of the money earned from gambling in building churches. These checks are issued directly to persons living in the kingdom; however we have now confiscated them, as we hold that such checks should be seized and deposited in the treasury. They have been earned inside the kingdom by illegal means, and we hereby submit this issue to Your Honor to declare the legal ruling on it, so as to be able to decide whether or not to seize this money and deposit it in the treasury based upon your decision.

A: If the case is as mentioned, your view regarding seizing the money and depositing it in the Muslim Treasury to be spent for public benefit and aspects of charity is a proper view. This action involves disavowing evil, punishing the doers and preventing them from repeating such acts. It is also a deterrent for whoever thinks of committing similar crimes; moreover, it prevents money from being used for corrupt purposes. (Part No. 23; Page No. 494) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

9253 Taxes
