Dealing with more than one bank in case of necessity


Q: I hope you will help me and many others in solving the problem of dealing with banks in this country; Ireland. I will give you a detailed account of bank transactions:First:There is no doubt that the banks here are Riba-based banks.Second:There is no other way for us but to deal with them, for the following reasons:(i) Having or keeping cash at home endangers our lives.(ii) Our due financial rights must be transferred to a bank account and there is no other way.(iii) Here we deal with non-Muslims and the majority of them use bank checks and bills of exchange. It is actually hard for us to leave this way; otherwise that would waste our time and badly affect our the course of study.(iv) Generally, there are many bank facilities that are not available outside banks.(v) Traveler's checks, which are promissory notes bought from the bank and may be stolen or lost.(vi) The money can be kept in a deposit in the bank and the bank does not invest it but charges us for keeping it. There is no bank facility in this case, which means we will not be able to deal with others. (Part No. 13; Page No. 382) Third:When someone deposits their money in the bank, there are two options available:(i) One may open a current account, thereby no definite interest percentage is fixed by the bank but there is no doubt that the bank uses money in usurious transactions. This means that our money will be involved in Riba and the bank will gain from these usurious profits.(ii) One can open an accumulation account and obtain interest whose rate is fixed by the bank. In this case, one knows the exact amount of interest on their money and the bank benefits by investing the money for a longer time. The withdrawal procedures are more complicated than the previous type. Muslims who live here in Ireland differ regarding this issue. Should a Muslim open a current account and let the bank benefit from their money for the best interest of non-Muslims? In this case, a Muslim does not know if their money is involved in Riba dealings. Should a Muslim open an accumulative account, knowing the exact rate of interest, which they can withdraw and give to any Muslim in need? I do not mean to give them in charity but to benefit a Muslim is worthier than benefiting a non-Muslim. In this last type of account, a Muslim cannot be sure that the bank has not benefited from their money. It is more likely that the bank (Part No. 13; Page No. 383) has done so but it shares the interests with the client. Our Muslim brothers in charge of the Islamic center of Dublin give their Fatwa that it is better for a Muslim to keep their money in an accumulation account and benefit Muslims who are worthier than non-Muslims. What is the correct opinion, bearing in mind that individual accounts are much less than the organization's accounts?Fourth:Some banks only use local currencies while our money is transferred in foreign currencies; accepting that results in undoubted great loss on our part for the favor of banks but some a few banks accept foreign currencies on condition that you open a banking account to have local money, here another question is raised:Is it permissible to open two bank accounts to avoid losing money or we only open one account and accept the losses no matter how much they are?Fifth:Since dealing with more than one bank makes things easier, is it permissible to deal with more than one bank, and will it be considered a necessary case just to save us the trouble?Finally, let me summarize my questions: (1) What is the bank account that we should open; a current account or an accumulation account? (2) Is it permissible to open more than one account in the same bank to avoid loss of money? (3) Is it permissible to deal with more than one bank (Part No. 13; Page No. 384) when necessary to make things easier?

A: First: It is Haram (prohibited) to deposit in banks dealing in Riba, except in the necessary cases without taking any interest. Second: When you wish to exchange foreign currencies for local ones at the bank, you are not permitted to stipulate opening another account; this involves two sales in one, while the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade making two sales in one sale, he said, “A loan and a sale are not lawful (together).” Third: Dealing with more than one bank without taking interest is acceptable when necessary. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
