Delaying making up for the days of Sawm missed intending to make up for them collectively


Q 1: For four years, I have not made up for the days of Sawm (Fast) of the Ramadan that I missed when I was menstruating. I am 19-year-old now, and I started to observe Sawm during Ramadan when I was 14 years old. Actually, I initially decided to observe Sawm for a complete month and thus collectively make up for the five days of fasting that I missed (due to menstruation) when their total reaches thirty days. Having grown up and known that doing so is impermissible, I was advised that I must make up for every day I missed in addition to feeding a poor person or paying a certain sum of money per day. However, it is beyond my financial capacity to feed a poor person or pay a certain sum of money per day, as I am still a student and fully supported by my father. It is noteworthy that I changed my plan, and this year I made up for the missed days of Sawm (due to menstruation) in the last Ramadan. What do you advise me to do in this regard? May Allah reward and safeguard you?

A: The ruling is that you should make up for the missed days of Sawm in Ramadan during the past years, in addition to feeding a poor person half a Sa` (1 Sa`=3 kg. Approx.) of the staple food of your country for each day. But, if it is beyond your ability to feed a poor person, it will remain as a debt on you till the time you can fulfill it. However, paying a certain sum of money instead does not discharge the liability. (Part No. 9; Page No. 59) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
