Delaying making up for the missed days of Sawm due to being in postpartum period


Q: I am a woman who believes in Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He), and all praise is due to Allah for this. I observe Sawm (Fast) in Ramadan, and I may not fast some days because of an Islamically lawful excuse that Allah (Exalted be He) permits for women, and I make up for these days after Ramadan. But one year, Ramadan coincided with my being in a postpartum period, and I intended to make up for the days that I missed after that period ended; that is, when the time of ritual purification comes; but I could not fast because I was breastfeeding my baby. Also, I live in a very hot region, and there are many domestic duties that I have to do. As for breastfeeding, however, there are many alternatives which help me feed the baby.The Second Issue: After four months from the end of the postpartum period, Allah (Exalted be He) granted me a baby as I became pregnant, so my fear of observing Sawm increased. Do I have to feed the poor or should I compensate in this case? And, if I have to feed the poor, please inform me how this should be done? (Part No. 9; Page No. 70

A: This woman must make up for the days that she did not observe Sawm in Ramadan during her postpartum period, and she also has to feed one Miskin (needy) for delaying the compensation till the following Ramadan. The amount that should be given to each Miskin is one and a half kilos of rice or wheat, and so on, of the country's staple food. She must also seek Allah's Forgiveness for her excessive delaying of Sawm, and there is nothing wrong with bringing out the food all at once before, after, or during compensation.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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