Different views on many issues.


Q 2: We live in a small town where most of the people are not educated. They ask me regarding their Din (religion) and many of its rulings. Since I can not answer their questions I tell them: "I do not know". Nevertheless, I feel responsible for them; shall I send their questions to you so that you may send the reply to my address or what should I do?

A: You have to answer them regarding what you know about the rulings of Islam such as the number of the Rak`ahs (units) of Salah (Prayer) and so on. However, concerning things that you are not sure about; you have to avoid answering them by conjecture. Rather, you should say: "I do not know" or "Allah knows best" or you may guide them to the knowledgeable people that you know.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
