Disposing of missing objects in a university campus


Q: The following sums of money and items were found in a dormitory in Al-Dir`iyyah a long time ago. They include: 1- 496 Saudi Riyals 2- 25 Yemeni Riyals 3- Seven different types of watches 4- Three different types of small calculators; two of them are engineering calculators 5- Three different glasses 6- A pullover opened from the font. We informed those in charge in the dormitory that despite the announcements made about these lost items and despite the fact that they remained in the dormitory for a long time, for some of them were found last year 1400/1401 A.H., nobody has claimed them. Therefore, these items were sold in an auction for 1,150 SR in addition to the sums of money. The total amount is 1,646 SR and 25 Yemeni Riyals. Those in charge in the dormitory delivered this sum of money to us along with a copy of the sale minutes (Part No. 15; Page No. 453) of these items in the auction. They asked us to add this sum of money to the account of the students' fund which spends on different activities such as providing care, aid and charity to needy students. We would like to have your Fatwa on this issue. Is there any harm in adding this sum of money to the account of the students' fund? We need your Fatwa to act accordingly. We appreciate your responsibilities and concerns; May Allah help you! We hope to receive your Fatwa as soon as possible due to the nearness of the end of the current university year. May Allah protect you, bless you and your efforts and benefit Muslims and Islam from your knowledge and reward you best!

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, it is permissible to spend the mentioned sum of money on charitable activities such the account of students' fund which finances various activities such as providing care, aid and charity to needy students. If later on any of the owners of the sold items comes, they should be told about what happened to their items. If they accept this, that would be fine; however, if they claim their items, they should be given their value from the money of the students' fund or from elsewhere. (Part No. 15; Page No. 454) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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