Does discharging Maniy necessitate Ghusl?


Q: I am a 27-year-old married man with four children. I suffer from the discharge of Maniy (sperm) before or after urination, or after Janabah Ghusl (full ritual bath to cleanse of sexual discharge). Sometimes, while at work I think of having sexual intercourse with my wife or kissing her; and when I enter the bathroom, I see sperm discharge. I visited a physician and he gave me medicine, which I took, but I still suffer from this condition. What is the ruling on my Salah (Prayer) and Sawm (Fasting)? A: Sawm is valid, but as for Salah, if Maniy discharges due to arousal, you must perform Ghusl (full ritual bath) even if it is caused by merely having erotic thoughts. If it occurs without such thoughts, it takes the same ruling as urine. It nullifies Wudu' (ablution), and consequently you must perform Istinja' (cleansing the private parts with water after urination or defecation) and Wudu' for Salah. (Part No. 4; Page No. 133

A: Sawm is valid, but as for Salah, if Maniy discharges due to arousal, you must perform Ghusl (full ritual bath) even if it is caused by merely having erotic thoughts. If it occurs without such thoughts, it takes the same ruling as urine. It nullifies Wudu' (ablution), and consequently you must perform Istinja' (cleansing the private parts with water after urination or defecation) and Wudu' for Salah. (Part No. 4; Page No. 133) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Yasser Al-Dosari