Does divorce become effective by merely thinking about it?


Q 5: When a husband thinks about divorcing his wife, will she be unlawful for him just by thinking without deciding to do so?

A: The mere thought of divorce or having the intention to do so without pronouncing it will not affect the prohibition of one's wife and divorce will not be effective. Al-Bukhari and Muslim reported in their Sahih (authentic) Books volume 7, p. 225 on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Allah has forgiven my followers the evil thoughts that occur to their minds, as long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered. Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. The narrated Hadith is in the wording of Al-Bukhari. Therefore, if a person divorces his wife by utterance or writing, she will be divorced even if he is joking. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


An-Nusk and At-Talbiyah (Hajj Rites and at-Talbiyah ( Assent Statement))