Does the air force commissioned of patrolling take the same ruling as traveling?


Q: As Ramadan approaches, the first air battalion in the Northern Region is being commissioned to fly at least a six-hour patrol a day over the northern borders. As a result, the pilots exert strenuous effort to perform this task and cannot observe Sawm (Fast) due to safety procedures. It should be known that there are two flight shifts, day and at night. Sometimes, there is an additional patrol on standby. Therefore, we would like to submit the case to the authorities concerned to instruct us on the issue of allowing the pilots to break their Sawm, so that they will be able to properly complete their task and safeguard lives and properties. (Part No. 9; Page No. 142

A: First: Commissioned pilots with the task of patrolling the northern borders, which are at the distance of eighty kilometers from their places of residence, the distance which permits shortening Salah (Prayer), are permitted to break Sawm once they depart their base. It is permissible to break Sawm before flying, if necessary. Second: Any pilot whose place of residence is not of such distance and must perform these tasks to preserve the public interest, but cannot complete these tasks without breaking Sawm is permitted to break Sawm to achieve this interest and protect others from harm. Third: It is obligatory upon those who return to their places of residence during the day and will not resume the task during the rest of the day to abstain from all things that break Sawm. Fourth: All those involved in the above-mentioned cases must make up for the days on which they break Sawm.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
