Engraving the name of Allah on gold jewelry


A: Selling jewels on which the Name of Allah is carved is not permissible unless we obliterate this carved writing. A similar question was sent the Committee. Fatwa no.2077was the answer for that question. It was as follows:We sent to your eminence a golden jewel on which the name of Allah is carved. This jewel is used by our women. We sent a message to our brothers working in the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) that using these jewels is prohibited because the word "Allah" is carved in it. This kind of jewelry is used only by Muslims as an ornament in order to contradict Jewish and the Christians women. This is because the Christians women wear ornaments on which crosses and images of idols are carved. (Part No. 13; Page No. 473) Jewish women wear an ornament on which the Star of David is engraved. Therefore, we would like your eminence to point this matter out for us. The answer was as follows: This kind of ornament on which the word "Allah" is engraved, is worn by Muslim women because the Christians women wear ornaments on which a cross is engraved and the Jewish women wear an ornament on which the Star of David is engraved. Moreover, the name of Allah may be worn mistakenly for the sake of bringing benefit and removing harm or for any other purpose. Wearing an ornament on which the name of Allah is engraved may lead to abusing it by sleeping on it or it may be worn while being in the toilet or other places where the words of Allah should not be admitted to. Therefore, the Committee holds the view that it is not permissible to wear ornaments on which the name of Allah is engraved in order not to be similar to Jews and Christians whom Muslims are asked to contradict. Doing so is also prohibited in order to block all avenues leading to evil and to protect Allah's Name against any abuse. Moreover, there is a general prohibition for wearing amulets.
