Fasting for fifteen days, then discovering bleeding which is not of the monthly period


Q 2: My wife was two months pregnant when Ramadan started, and she fasted for fifteen days, then she had non-menstrual bleeding for seven days, but she continued to fast and pray. Afterwards, she had miscarriage and did not fast for the rest of the month, Is her fasting before the miscarriage valid despite the bleeding? Or, does she have to compensate for it?Please inform us with the right legal opinion, may Allah reward you.

A: This woman experienced non-menstrual bleeding, and thus it is inconsiderable. She did well when she continued fasting and praying; and if the case is exactly as you mentioned, her fast and Prayer before the miscarriage are valid and she does not have to compensate. After the miscarriage, however, the rulings vary according to the time in which the miscarriage took place. They are classified according to the four stages of pregnancy as follows: First: If the pregnancy was miscarried within the first two stages: the Nutfah (mixed drops of male and female sexual discharge) stage, which is the first forty days after the embryo attaches itself in the womb, and the `Alaqah (clot) stage where it turns into coagulated blood during the second forty days, which add up to a total of eighty days, then in this case, there are no rulings to be followed, and there is no controversy among scholars concerning this point. The woman should continue fasting and praying as if she did not miscarry the pregnancy. (Part No. 9; Page No. 74)  Second: If the pregnancy was miscarried in the third stage, a little lump (of flesh) stage, in which the embryo becomes a lump of flesh, with his organs, features, and overall appearance beginning to have form, a stage lasting for forty days from the eighty-first to the one hundred and twentieth day, then there are two cases:1- If the a little lump (of flesh) does not have any clear-cut or even indistinct human features, and the midwives do not testify that this is the beginning of a human being, then the ruling on abortion of this a little lump is the same as the ruling on miscarriage in the first two stages; that is, there are no rulings to be followed.2- If the a little lump (of flesh) has complete human features and some clear human features, such as a hand, a foot, or indistinct features, or the midwives testify that this is the beginning of a human being, abortion in this case is followed by postpartum period and signals the end of `Iddah (woman's prescribed waiting period after divorce or widowhood). Third: If the pregnancy is miscarried in the fourth stage, i.e., after the soul has been breathed into the fetus, which is after the beginning of the fifth month or after one hundred and twenty days of pregnancy have passed, there are two cases as follows:1- If the fetus does not cry after birth, the rulings mentioned with regard to the second stage of the a little lump (of flesh) are to be followed, and also the fetus should be washed and shrouded and the Janazah (Funeral) Prayer should be offered for him. Also, he should be given a name, and the `Aqiqah (sacrifice for a newborn) should be made for him. (Part No. 9; Page No. 75) 2- If the fetus cries after birth, the full rulings on the birth of a baby are to be followed, among which are the rulings mentioned in the previous case. In addition, the newborn can possess money through a Will or inheritance, so that he can inherit or be inherited from, and so on.And Allah knows best.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
