Weather forecasts


Q 25: There is no harm in weather forecasts based on specialized studies. Does the same apply to predicting some events of the near future for a person based on psychological, educational and mental studies at the hands of specialists? They use certain marks in the body to predict what will happen to the person. Does this fall under the prohibited guessing of Ghayb (the Unseen) or there is no harm in that as well? Those involved in these acts say their work is merely academic and depends on their true vision.

A: Firstly: There is no harm in weather forecasts based on cosmic signs, provided that no one believes that these signs are effective in themselves and capable of causing events. This will be considered major Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship that takes the Muslim out of Islam). People should not depend on these signs and claim to have the ability to foretell the future or control the good and evil events that happen to others. Furthermore, these expectations based on the cosmic signs should always remain merely assumptions and should not be depended on as decisive facts to predict the future as mentioned in the question. This is (Part No. 1; Page No. 239) known in astrology as "Al-Ta'thir (belief in the influence of stars)". This is Shirk since these are probable expectations and everything is referred to the Will of Allah.Secondly: There is no harm in having true vision and insight and in anticipating a certain future for someone based on their actions and behaviors. This can be applied with the same previously-mentioned limitations. They should be nothing more than expectations and everything is referred to the Will of Allah. A person may say, "I expect that so-and-so will be a merchant, since his behavior shows that he will, in sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills)."Moreover, you should beware of those who claim to know the Ghayb, fortune-tellers, palm-readers, soothsayers and others. Ignorant people resort to them and believe the lies they tell them about their future.


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