Paying Zakah on dates to the responsible committee


Q 2: I have two years unpaid Zakah (obligatory charity) on cattle since 1404 a.h. After the collectors left, I distributed it to the qualified recipients. I live in an agricultural settlement in Al-`Arif and the collectors used to visit our settlement before the last two years. We gather all the Zakah money but they did not come to take. Some of my people manage to meet them and give them the money, while others - like me - find it difficult to do this, as I might be absent sometimes and I keep Zakah money with my family.

A: There is no prohibition to distribute it to the poor, if you are unable to hand it over to the Zakah collectors. (Part No. 9; Page No. 427) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
