Deputizing others to throw the pebbles


Q: We performed Hajj during the year 1413 A.H. Upon our arrival at Muzdalifah along with the women and the elderly who were with us, we combined Maghrib (Sunset) and `Isha' (Night) Prayers and walked to Mina; we did not spend the night at Muzdalifah because we all shared the same car for transport. In the afternoon of the 10th of December, I went to throw the pebbles and found the people throwing at Al-Jamrah Al-Wusta (second or middle pebble-throwing area) so I threw the pebbles along with them out of ignorance and then trimmed my hair. After I returned to my tent, the others told me that what I did was wrong, so I returned at once and before sunset I threw seven pebbles at Jamarat-ul-`Aqabah (the closest pebble-throwing area to Makkah) and shaved my hair. I then returned and threw the pebbles on the 11th and remained the eve of the 12th day until midnight at Mina. I commissioned my colleague to throw the pebbles on the 12th on my behalf and went to Makkah and performed one round of Tawaf-ul-Ifadah (final obligatory circumambulation of the Ka`bah in Hajj) and then traveled to Jeddah and then on Thursday left due to work circumstances and my health condition. I was performing Qiran Hajj (combining Hajj and `Umrah without a break in between). (Part No. 10; Page No. 187) What must I do, taking into account that I slaughtered two sacrificial animals at my place of work out of fear of having committed any mistake?

A: Spending the night in Muzdalifah at least until midnight is among the acts which are obligatory in Hajj and whoever neglects performing it without a Shar`y (Islamically lawful) excuse must offer a Fidyah (ransom), which is to sacrifice a sheep or one seventh of a Badanah (a camel or cow or ox). What you did on the Day of Nahr (Sacrifice, 10th of Dhul-Hijjah, when pilgrims slaughter their sacrificial animals), that is repeating throwing the pebbles at Al-Jamrah Al-Kubra (largest pebble-throwing area; Jamarat-ul-`Aqabah) when you learned about your erroneous throwing, is correct and fulfills the obligation in sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills). As for commissioning another person to throw the pebbles (at the pebble-throwing area during Hajj) on your behalf on the second day, it is impermissible except if you had an excuse for not performing this act yourself. If you had a Shar`y (Islamically lawful) excuse then you did nothing wrong; otherwise you must slaughter another sacrificial animal as Fidyah (ransom).As for Tawaf-ul-Wada` (circumambulation of the Ka`bah on leaving Makkah), it does not fulfill the obligation except after having finished the rituals of Hajj. If you made your Tawaf after the person you commissioned had actually thrown the pebbles on your behalf in the afternoon, it is correct. Otherwise, you must slaughter instead as a third Fidyah. The animal you slaughtered at your place of work is invalid, because the slaughter must be performed inside Makkah and the meat must be distributed among the poor of Al-Haram. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
