Is it permissible for a menstruating


Q: Before traveling to Hajj this year with my wife, I took her to a doctor so he could prescribe some medication to delay her monthly period until after she performs Hajj; and he did prescribe some tablets for this purpose. After she had taken the tablets according to the prescription, on the seventh and eighth of Dhul-Hijjah, she was exhausted due to staying up late, and she noticed some traces of light blood. So, she immediately washed herself of it and took Ghusl (ritual bath), and performed Salah (Prayer). As she did not see any more traces of blood, she performed the other rituals of Hajj, including standing on `Arafah, throwing pebbles at the Jamarat (stone pillars at which pebbles are thrown during Hajj), slaughtering, and cutting her hair, while she was completely Tahir (ritually pure). We performed Tawaf-ul-Ifadah (final obligatory circumambulation around the Ka‘bah in Hajj) on the first of the Days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) as my wife was performing Qiran Hajj (combining Hajj and ‘Umrah simultaneously). She performed the Tawaf and Sa‘y (going between Safa and Marwah during Hajj) when she reached Makkah. While performing Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, she felt some pains and cramps. (Part No. 11; Page No. 248) After completing the seven rounds of Tawaf, she went down to Zamzam to check what was happening, and she found a few traces of light blood. She left the Haram (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) immediately, as it was almost time for the ‘Isha’ (Night) Prayer. Later she went to a doctor, who prescribed some tablets for her and told her that the bleeding would stop if she took the treatment and rested. She took the tablets and injections that same day and the following morning, she did not see any traces of blood. She waited until noon to be sure it had stopped, and there were still no traces. So, she performed Ghusl and washed herself. What also confirmed her confidence that the blood had stopped, was that she saw a white discharge while she was performing Ghusl.She therefore went to the Haram to repeat the Tawaf-ul-Ifadah, as she doubted the validity of the first Tawaf. Before starting the Tawaf, she put some cotton inside her vagina, as an extra precaution, to make sure that no blood is discharged; even if it happens, then no blood will flow outside, so she started to perform Tawaf after the Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer. After safely finishing the seven rounds of Tawaf, she went down to Zamzam to confirm that no blood was discharged, and she found the piece of cotton completely clean from the outside and there was nothing on it. After this, we set off to the airport to return home. At around 3:00 A.M. The next day, my wife went to the bathroom and when she removed the cotton, it was clean from the outside but there were some traces of blood inside. (Part No. 11; Page No. 249) As we could not stay any longer than that in Makkah, due to our traveling and work circumstances, we left. From that day to this, we are still preserving the Ihram (ritual state for Hajj and ‘Umrah) of my wife, as she has not performed major Tahalul (final removal of the ritual state for Hajj and ‘Umrah). We have not had sexual intercourse or any conjugal intimacy until we ask Your Eminence about this matter, and we would like to know your opinions on the following:a. Was the first Tawaf-ul-Ifadah performed valid or not? If not, is there anything that my wife has to do for that?B. Considering that the first Tawaf was invalid, was the second Tawaf she performed valid or not?C. Does she have to go to perform Tawaf-ul-Ifadah again or what else can she do?

A: a. The first Tawaf-ul-Ifadah performed was valid, if the traces of light blood that began to be discharged was not menstrual blood; or if it was, it did not come out until after finishing the seven rounds of Tawaf. If that was not the case, that Tawaf is considered invalid. B. If the situation of the second Tawaf is as you mentioned, it was valid. Even if the first Tawaf was considered to be invalid, the second Tawaf suffices for the Tawaf-ul-Ifadah. C. Based on the above, she does not have to go to perform Tawaf-ul-Ifadah again, and she can perform major Tahalul. (Part No. 11; Page No. 250) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
