Recording knowledge


Q 1: What is the ruling on Islamic schools taking Thursdays and Fridays as holidays? And when did this start and who started it?

A: The organization of school days and the timetabling and distribution of the different subjects, are generally matters that are regulated by the responsible people, whether scholars or rulers. They are organized to achieve religious and worldly benefits, and the promotion of the Ummah (nation based on one creed), its Islamic culture and life style, and to protect the entity of its people and state. Accordingly, a time-plan for that has been laid down and followed in both the theoretical and practical education, provided that it does not diminish the share of Islamic knowledge, or result in a decrease in the hours assigned for studying it, or prevent the performance of the Islamic rituals at their due time. (Part No. 12; Page No. 211) Based on this, it is permissible for them to organize the hours, days, and months for education as they see fit, and to arrange the holidays as they wish to provide recreation time for the students, and give them time to rest and revive their energy over the weekend. It is also permissible for them to just give Friday alone as a holiday or to combine it with Thursday, or any other day, as long as it does not result in something that is prohibited by Islam, such as the warning that will be mentioned in the answer to the third question, In sha’a-Allah (if Allah wills).
