Teaching music


Q 2: Schools here in Kuwait teach music, drawing and gymnastics for boys and girls from the age of four until the age of fourteen. These subjects are considered obligatory in education. We have tried to clarify the ruling of Shari`ah on this to the officials and to parents, but this issue is not totally clear. Please clarify the ruling of Shari`ah on teaching such subjects, and the responsibility of those who contribute to this, so that all the Muslims may benefit.

A: It is impermissible to teach or learn music, or portray (Part No. 12; Page No. 184) animate objects. It is also impermissible for boys and girls to go to mixed schools in all the stages of education, as this entails great danger and corruption, and contradicts the texts which prohibit musical instruments, portraying animate objects and co-education.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
