Youngsters mixing in studying and swimming


Q 1: Governmental schools here in Britain are mixed, where boys and girls study together, they are also forced to swim together in the same pool, girls swim naked or semi- naked. Some scholars have issued legal opinions that there is no harm in this if the girls are young. What is the opinion of your Eminence in this regard? What is the Islamic dress code for young girls? At what age should a girl wear Hijab (veil)?

A: The mingling of boys and girls in studying is Haram (prohibited). The same applies to (Part No. 12; Page No. 169) showering and swimming while naked (or semi naked) in a swimming pool, whether they are young or old, for the Fitnah (sedition) occurring due to this, and for seeing each others' `Awrah (parts of the body that must be covered in public). This is also considered a means to mischief and evil.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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