Cursing the parents


A: It is authentically reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, It is one of the major sins that a man curses his parents." It is said, "O Messenger of Allah! How can a man curse his own parents?'' He (peace be upon him) said, "When someone curses the parents of another man who in return abuses the former's father and mother." This (Part No. 25; Page No. 246) applies to the person who causes his parents to be cursed by people, let alone a person who curses his own parents himself by his own tongue like the woman in question. Indeed, he is more entitled to incur the sin, wrath, and curse of Allah. Moreover, his curses are put on him. To support this, Imam Muslim related in his Sahih (authentic) Book of Hadith on the authority of `Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) that he heard Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) saying, Allah curses the one who slaughters (a sacrifice) for anyone other than Allah; Allah curses the one who curses his parents; Allah curses the one who shelters an innovator (in religion); Allah curses the one who changes the marks of the land. Also, it is narrated by Um Al-Darda' that she heard Abu Al-Darda' saying, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, When a person curses somebody or something, the curse goes up to heaven and the gates of heaven get closed. Then, it comes down to the earth and its gates get closed. Then, it turns right and left, and if it does not find an entrance to go anywhere, it returns to the person cursed, if he deserves to be cursed; otherwise it returns to the person who uttered it. Related by Abu Dawud in his Sunan.Invoking curses is prohibited and is one of the major sins. A Muslim is not an abuser or (Part No. 25; Page No. 247) a curser, or a speaker of foul and obscene words. It is related on the authority of Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, The believer is not a slanderer, or a curser, or one who indulges in obscenity, or engages in foul talk. (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhy who classified it as Hadith Hasan (good Hadith)). It is also narrated on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) saying, The Prophet (peace be upon him) was not a person who insults people or uses obscene language, and he did not curse people. Even when admonishing, he would say to one of us, ‘What is wrong with him? - may his forehead be rubbed with dust!’” (A commonly used phrase among the Arabs whose literal meaning is not intended). (Related by Al-Bukhari in his Sahih.)May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
