A Muslim serving non-Muslims


A: Islam is the Din (religion) of tolerance, easiness, and facility. At the same time, it is the Din of justice. The ruling on Muslims serving non-Muslims differs depending on the Muslims' intention when doing so. If their intention is to create harmony between themselves and non-Muslims to call them to Islam and save them from Kufr (disbelief) and deviation, this is considered a noble intention. It is important to mention that amongst the established principles of Shari`ah (Islamic law) is that the means acquires the rulings of their goals, i.e. when a goal is Wajib (obligatory), its means is also Wajib and visa versa. However, if the Muslims do not have a Shar`y (Islamic legal) intention in serving non-Muslims; they should not do so. The foregoing relates to serving non-Muslims with Mubah food. However, serving them unlawful types of food and drinks such as pork and wine, this is absolutely impermissible for doing so is disobedience to Allah (Exalted be He), obedience to non-Muslims, and giving priority to the pleasure of non-Muslims over the rights of Allah while it is Wajib on Muslims to adhere to their Din. On the other hand, serving non-Muslims food during the daytime in Ramadan is absolutely impermissible for doing so is tantamount to helping them to commit something which is declared (Part No. 14; Page No. 475) Haram (prohibited) by Allah (Exalted be He). It is well-established through the purified Shari`ah that non-Muslims are also meant by the principles and branches of Islam. Observing Sawm (Fast) in Ramadan is definitely one of the pillars of Islam and doing so is Wajib on non-Muslims along with the condition of its validity, meaning, embracing Islam. Accordingly, it is impermissible for Muslims to help non-Muslims to abandon something that Allah (Exalted be He) has made Wajib on them. Similarly, it is impermissible for Muslims to serve non-Muslims in a way that humiliates and degrades the former while serving them food. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


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