A Muslim serving non-Muslims


Q 1: What is the ruling on working in non-Muslim countries, such as Europe or America? Does the ruling change if a person works for another Muslim in Muslim-based organizations in a non-Muslim country?

A: A Muslim should migrate from the lands of Kufr (disbelief) to Muslim lands so as to safeguard their religion, increase Muslim unity, and cooperate with them to establish the rites of Islam, because then, they will find many ways to earn their living Bi'idhn-il-Allah (Allah willing) as well as a respectable and blessed life among Muslims. They will also be secure in their religion as long as (Part No. 14; Page No. 476) they fear Allah, for Allah (Exalted be He) says: And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. Based on this, it is known that the work of a Muslim in the lands of Kufr, while being able to migrate to Muslim lands is impermissible whether they work for Muslims or not. Yet, their work for a Kafir is more prohibitive, because of the anticipated danger and humiliation, but if a person is a scholar or practices Da`wah (call to Islam), and expects to influence kuffar (disbelievers) by means of Da`wah, has a clear evidence to convince them, and is not expected to fall into Fitnah (sedition) in Din (religion) or within themselves, they are allowed to stay amongst kuffar in order to fulfill their duty in Da`wah to Allah (Exalted be He) and to help in spreading Islam. At the same time, anyone who is weak and has no ability to migrate, will be excused if he resides amongst the Kuffar, but their Muslim brothers should help them to migrate to a country where they feel safe for their Din. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
