Butcher''s wage


Q: I was injured in a car accident. My right leg was broken and (Part No. 14; Page No. 400) parts of my intestines were removed. As a result of the surgical operations and effects of the anesthetic, I remained unconscious for a long period of time, from 13/7/1404 to 10/9/1404 AH. During this period, I did not perform Salah (Prayer) and was unable to fast in Ramadan in the year 1404 AH. Please tell me whether I have to make up for the fasts and Salah or to offer Kaffarah (expiation). Moreover, I am now acting as a middleman for some corporations. I bring them trucks to transport their goods from Riyadh to other places and vice versa in return for a specified amount. Is this work permissible or not? I resorted to this job only after the accident where my own truck was destroyed.

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, it is permissible to take set fees for acting as a middleman for transporting the goods. As for the Salah you missed during the days when you were unconscious, you do not have to make up for it. With regard to the fasts, you have to make up for the days when you were conscious. The same goes for Salah that you did not perform during the days in Ramadan when you were conscious. May Allah guide us all to what pleases Him and forgive our and your sins! (Part No. 14; Page No. 401) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
