Is it permissible for me to take


Q: As I have graduated from the Sewing Institute, I want to open a sewing workshop and many people have offered to enter into partnership with me. I have a certificate only and they have the capital required to pay for everything that is needed, such as the machines, workers, workshop, etc. The person who has offered to enter into partnership with me already owns all of this, and does not have to buy anything. We will each take half of the profit. Is this form of partnership Haram (prohibited), because I will not be contributing anything except my certificate? Bear in mind that I am poor and do not have any money. Please advise me and may Allah reward you!

A: It is permissible to enter into partnership in the way you described in the question, provided that you do not sew anything that is prohibited to wear by the Shari‘ah (Islamic law), such as transparent or tight clothing. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
