Is it permissible for me to take


Q: The nature of my job requires me to move between courts which means that I spend some of my own money. When I return to the teller, I fill a form to take back the money I spent on transportation considering the following: 1- The transportation allowance written in the refund form is nearly fixed among my colleagues - to be more specific - irrespective of the money that was actually spent. 2- It is allowed for us to use taxis to move between courts while I use another means (such as microbus or bus) which is less expensive than taxis. I hope your Eminence kindly inform me of the ruling on taking extra money in this case. I also seek your advice, guidance and supplication. Would you supplicate to Allah to make me from among those who hear the word (Good advice) and follow the best thereof. May Allah reward you the best!

A: You have to be truthful concerning the actual fare that you paid and it is not permissible to submit bills with more than the actual value. (Part No. 15; Page No. 147) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
