Salary of a Mu''adhin


Q 2: A person works as a Mu'adhin (caller to Prayer) in a certain Masjid (mosque). This person rarely announces Adhan (call to Prayer). Sometimes he announces the Adhan of Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer or some other prayer neglecting most of the other Prayers. What is your comment on this? What is the ruling on the salary he receives for this work? Are we obliged to report this negligence to the competent authorities or not? (Part No. 15; Page No. 107)

A: The Mu'adhin has to announce the Adhan perfectly. This means that he should announce it for every time of Salah (Prayer). If he neglects or ignores it, he commits a sin, and the money he receives for this is not lawful for him. It is the duty of any person who knows a Mu'adhin that neglects the Adhan to advise him. If he accepts the advice, that is good, otherwise he should be reported to those in charge so that they may consider his negligence. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
