A person broke his Sawm (Fast)


Q 2: A person broke his Sawm (Fast) during Ramadan deliberately. Another broke his Sawm for three days deliberately in Ramadan. A third person observed Sawm only on one day in Ramadan. What is the ruling on each one of them?

A: If any of them broke their Sawm deliberately through having sexual intercourse, then it is obligatory for them to make up for the days they missed and offer an expiation for every day. The expiation for each day is to set a slave free. If the person is unable to do so, he may fast two consecutive months for every day he missed. If he is unable to fast, he should feed sixty needy people for every day he missed through having sexual intercourse. If any of them broke their Sawm through eating or drinking, they must make up for the days they missed and they do not have to offer an expiation according to the soundest of the two views of religious scholars. (Part No. 10; Page No. 357) All of them must seek Allah's Forgiveness and repent to Him because breaking Sawm during Ramadan is a major sin if done without a legal excuse.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
