Feeding a needy person for each missed day of Sawm


Q: During last Ramadan, I was ill in the Military Hospital in Riyadh, as I suffered from pain on Friday, 29th of Sha`ban and I spent the night in the heart center. Then, the doctors decided to perform a surgery on three arteries. Moreover, they advised me not to perform Sawm (Fast), as it would negatively affect my health because I suffer from hypertension, diabetes and asthma, according to the attached medical reports. Thus, I was prevented from performing this Faridah (obligatory act). In Muharram, 1420 A.H., I suffered from chest and liver diseases, resulting in me staying in the Military Hospital. After a checkup, I was given intense treatment, which the doctors advised me to take three times daily for nine months starting from 12 Safar, 1420 A.H. Your Eminence Mufty (Muslim scholar qualified to issue legal opinions), I am seventy years old, and I am confused concerning how to make up for the days in which I broke my Sawm during the blessed Ramadan, 1419 A.H. Thus, (Part No. 9; Page No. 117) I hope you will give me your legal opinion concerning making up for these days.

A: If you are not able to make up for the missed days of Sawm permanently, you should feed a Miskin (needy) for each day an amount of 1.5 kg (of staple food). You are not obliged to perform Sawm. Allah (Exalted be He) says: And as for those who can fast with difficulty, (e.g. an old man), they have (a choice either to fast or) to feed a Miskîn (poor person) (for every day). In this Ayah (Qur'anic verse), the ruling on the person who can observe Sawm is abrogated, based on Allah's Saying: So whoever of you sights (the crescent on the first night of) the month (of Ramadan i.e. is present at his home), he must observe Saum (fasts) that month But, there remains the ruling on the person who is unable to perform Sawm whether due to old age or incurable illness. If you expect to recover and make up for the days in which you could not perform Sawm, you can break your Sawm and make up for Sawm when you are able to do so. Allah (Exalted be He) says: ...and whoever is ill or on a journey, the same number [of days which one did not observe Saum (fasts) must be made up] from other days. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.


Perfection of the Eternal message.