Feeling the semen moving without it being ejaculated


Q 3: Should a person perform Ghusl (full ritual bath) if he feels the semen moving, yet it does not come out? If blood is unintentionally exuded out of the nose of a fasting person while wiping it, should he make up for this day?

A: Scholars held different opinions with regard to the obligation of performing Ghusl in case a person feels semen moving due to sexual desire, but it is not discharged. The preponderant opinion is that a person is not required to perform Ghusl except if semen is ejaculated because the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "If fluid gushes out, perform Ghusl." (Related by Ahmad) On the other hand, Sawm (Fasting) is not invalidated when blood is unintentionally exuded out of the nose of a fasting person while wiping it, as the blood is unintentionally emitted.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
